
Name : Sibonelo Mbambo

Email : ssmbambo912@outlook.com

Contact no. : 069 390 7410

Skills : HTML CSS git Javascript Firebase Funcional programming ReactJS Redux NodeJS MongoDB Express

About me

Islamic studies Graduate. Public Speaker . Junior Bookkeeper (ICB & FASSET Certified) . Certified FullStack web developer (ZAIO).


Netflix Landing Page

Built this with HTML & CSS

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Twitter (X) Clone

Built this with HTML & CSS

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Youtube Clone

Built this with HTML & CSS

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Fancy Counter Project

Built with HTML, CSS & JS

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Word Analytics JS Project

Built with HTML, CSS & JS

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Google Keep

Built HTML & CSS

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Google Keep (JS)

Built HTML, CSS & JS

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Amazone Clone

Built with MERN Stack

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Google Keep clone

Built HTML, CSS & React

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Amazone Clone

Built with MERN Stack

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React AirBnB clone

Built with MERN Stack

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React Tic Tac Toe Project

Themes, Sound Effects, Music Player & Contexts

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Let's Connect!

Would love to connect with fellow developers, employers looking for developers, or anyone looking to get web development done.